Key Events and Developments at Dzaleka Refugee Camp

Food Assistance Cuts: The World Food Program (WFP) announced a 50% reduction in food rations for Dzaleka due to funding shortages. This has led to increased hardship for the camp’s over 50,000 residents.

Relocation Efforts: The Malawian government intensified its relocation policy in June 2024, moving around 2,000 urban refugees back to Dzaleka, further straining the camp's resources.

Environmental Initiatives: A youth-led organization, Community for Better Life, continues to address plastic pollution by recycling plastic bags into eco-friendly products, creating economic opportunities for the youth.

Tumaini Festival 2024: The Tumaini Festival celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2024. This event, which promotes intercultural harmony, featured performances from both refugees and local Malawians, showcasing music, dance, theater, and poetry.

World Refugee Day: World Refugee Day was commemorated on July 4, 2024, focusing on solidarity and the importance of supporting refugees. The event highlighted ongoing challenges and the need for international support.

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